Hamtramck, City (Wayne, MI)



Duties & Responsibilities

Sec. 11-01: Maintenance; temporary appointments

The city council of the City of Hamtramck shall maintain an efficient fire department for the protection of the people and property located therein, and shall provide all necessary apparatus and equipment and make provision for a suitable and adequate supply of water for the use of the department for extinguishing fires. In cases of emergency and danger, the mayor shall have the power to authorize the chief of the fire department to appoint temporarily such number of firemen and special officers in addition to the regular fire department, as in the judgment of the chief of the fire department the particular occasion may require.

Sec. 11-02: Fire chief, firemen; appointment
The city manager shall appoint a chief of the fire department and such number of firemen and other officers in the department as the council shall by ordinance or resolution direct to be appointed. He shall in the same manner fill all vacancies that may occur in the department from time to time as are permitted by the budget of the city.
Sec. 11-03: Fire department, supervision
The chief of the fire department shall at all times be subject to the supervision of the city manager, and shall have supervision and direction of the fire department and all fire fighters and other employees thereof.
Sec. 11-04: Extinguishing fires; authority to command aid; violation, penalty
The chief of the fire department or other officer acting as such may command any person present at a fire to aid in extinguishing thereof and to assist in the preservation of life or property. If any person shall willfully disobey any such lawful requirement or other lawful order of such officer, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as in this charter provided.
Sec. 11-05: Fire hazards, nuisances; abatement
Every building or structure which may be erected, placed, enlarged, or kept in violation of any provisions of this charter or of any ordinance or regulation lawfully made for the prevention of fires, or any material which shall be stored or kept in violation of this charter or any ordinance or regulation lawfully made for the prevention of fires, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and, except as otherwise in this charter provided, the same may be abated or removed by the direction of the council, after notice as may be provided in State law of a hearing before Council provided to the property owner, with an opportunity to appear, present evidence and witnesses, and to cross-examine any witnesses.
Sec. 11-06: Fire chief, firemen, department employees; compensation
The chief of the fire department and all officers, firemen, and employees of the fire department shall receive such compensation as the council may prescribe.

Mission Statement

The Hamtramck Fire Department is dedicated to the protection and preservation of life, property and the environment for the community, both the citizens and our visitors of Hamtramck. This is accomplished by effectively utilizing modern technology and the most up to date training in the areas of fire suppression, rescue, Hazmat, fire education, engineering and fire prevention.

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Fire Safety

Test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms monthly Change your alarm batteries every six months (if applicable) Change your alarms every 10 years Plan and Practice a home escape plan, IT CAN SAVE LIVES!

Fire Prevention

Please contact the Fire Marshal for more information. Fire Safety Information for home, school, or workplace Firehouse tours or school visits/assemblies Request Incident Report (fees may apply)

Smoke Alarms

Carbon Monoxide

  • From the City Charter: Sec. 9-17

The chief of the fire department shall be the head of the fire department of the City of Hamtramck. He shall have the qualifications prescribed by Chapter 5 Sec. 5-01 of this charter for appointive officers, and in addition shall reside within a thirty (30) mile radius of the city, except as otherwise provided in MCL 15.602.

(a) He shall be responsible for the faithful performance of his duties to the city manager. He shall have the power and authority to make all proper rules for the government and discipline of the fire department, subject to the approval of the city attorney and city manager.
(b) He shall be responsible for making application for available resources for the fire department and shall provide a quarterly report to the city manager regarding these applications.
(c) He shall design an effective training program for the fire department, and recommend such training program to the city manager. Such training shall be reported to council by the city manager on a semi-annual basis.
(d) He shall submit to the city manager each year, as in this charter provided, an estimate in detail of the expenditures of his department for the ensuing year, to be included in the yearly budget, and shall make such other reports as may be required by the city manager, provisions of this charter or by law or ordinance of the city.
(e) He shall have the custody and control of all evidentiary property, books, records, and equipment belonging to the fire department.
(f) He shall have such powers, duties, and responsibilities as are conferred by laws of the state, and the provisions of this charter, and the ordinances of the city council.


The origins of the Hamtramck Fire Department date back to February 11, 1857 when the “Hamtramck Spouters” organized themselves into a company known officially as “Spouters No. 11”. Spouters No. 11 effectively served the area for twenty-six years, until 1883, when a firehouse was built on the northeast corner of Gratiot and Grandy Avenues, by the Detroit Fire Department for the service of that city’s northern district and the suburb of Hamtramck.

The village of Hamtrack was officially incorporated in 1901 and two years later, in 1903, the village president and clerk were authorized to enter into a contract for fire protection with the city of Detroit.

The current incarnation of the Hamtramck Fire Department dates back to November 16, 1914. On that date, the department rules and regulations were established and its first chief, Martin Bishop, was appointed. The department was then located on Berres Avenue in a two-car garage on the premises of the Detroit Lumber Company. Three months later department operations were moved to the Briggs Manufacturing Company on Leuchner Avenue. In later years “House 1” was moved to Jos. Campau and Grayling Street, adjacent to Police Headquarters. House 1 was closed in 1975.

The village’s rapid growth, due to the now booming auto industry, dictated a need for construction of two more stations. “Engine House #2” was erected in 1918, located on the corner of Caniff and Mackay Avenues where, after several additions and alterations (*it continues to function as the remaining fire station in the city). The third firehouse was located on the corner of Jos. Campau and Smith Street and opened in 1922, the same year Hamtramck attained status as a city. Firehouse No. 3 was in operation for only six years as the construction of a railroad viaduct at Jos. Campau and Denton eliminated its necessity.

Of its many milestones, one of the most prestigious occurred in 1938. The Hamtramck Fire Department became the proud recipient of the “Paxton Mendlessohn Trophy” awarded by the Michigan Fire inspection Bureau to the best fire department in southern Michigan.
At its peak, in 1940, the department’s personnel consisted of 48 Pipemen and Laddermen, 6 professional Firemen, 1 senior and 13 junior Motor Engineers, 7 Lieutenants, 6 Junior Captains, 2 senior Captains, 3 Telegraph Operators and 1 Fire Chief. Today’s personnel are: 14 Firefighters, 6 Motor Engineers, 4 Lieutenants, 2 Captains, 1 Fire Marshal and 1 Fire Chief. The department has an Automatic Aid agreement with both Detroit and Highland Park Fire Departments, bringing additional staffing and specialized operations (i.e. hazmat, high and heavy rescue).

The years since its inception has brought many changes, not only to the Hamtramck Fire Department, but also to the community it serves. But one thing that has not changed is the department’s high degree of commitment to excellence and service to the people of Hamtramck. As it has always been and will always be the members of the Hamtramck Fire Department remain PROUD TO SERVE.

Contact Information

Hamtramck Fire Department

Address: 2625 Caniff Street, Hamtramck, MI 48212
Phone: (313) 305-4503

Phone: 9-1-1

Fire Chief

Matt Wyszczelski

Phone:  (313) 305-4500
Email: firechief@hamtramckcity.gov

Fire Marshal

Micheal Young

Phone: (313) 305-4501
Email: firemarshal@hamtramckcity.gov

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