Hamtramck, City (Wayne, MI)



Duties & Responsibilities

Amer Ghalib

Power & Duties

From the City Charter, Sec. 9-01 Powers and duties
The mayor shall be presiding officer of the council and chief executive officer of the city and shall perform such other duties as are, or may be, imposed or authorized by the laws of the State or this charter. He shall execute or authenticate by his signature such instruments as the council, this charter, or any statute of the State of Michigan or law of the United States shall require, including certifying the minutes.

He shall be the conservator of the peace and may in emergencies exercise within the City the powers conferred upon sheriffs to suppress riot and disorder and shall have the authority to command the assistance of able-bodied citizens to aid in the enforcement of the ordinance of the City and to suppress riot and disorder.

In times of public danger or emergency, he may, with consent of the council, take command of the police and such other departments and subordinates of the City as may be deemed necessary by the council to maintain order and enforce laws.

The mayor shall keep an office in some convenient place in the City to be provided by the city council.

The mayor may recommend such appointments to office as a prescribed by this charter or ordinance of the council and may remove such appointees without assigning cause, except as provided in Chapter 5 Sec. 5-01, and may recommend appointment to the vacancy caused thereby.

The mayor shall perform all acts required by the constitution and laws of this State and this charter, whether herein specifically enumerated or not.

The mayor shall be ex-officio a member of such boards or commissions of which he is appointed a member by the terms of this charter or ordinances of the city.

The mayor shall notify the council of any prolonged absence or inability to perform his duties. Council by resolution may define what “prolonged absence” means.

Contact Information


Amer Ghalib

Email: aghalib@hamtramckcity.gov